Trying to find inspiration to write is hard. Especially when your main focus in life is chasing two kids and trying to start your own business. But first let me introduce Crooked Lake Farm…
We are located in North-Central Alberta and the fifth generation to farm our land. My husbands Great-Great Grandfather homesteaded in the area in 1901. In 1915, his Great-Grandfather purchased the quarter of land we live on. It has been in the family and “passed down” for almost 100 years!
Both my husband and I received degrees in Range Science and are active in the Society for Range Management. We use our knowledge to advance our cattle operation.
We operate a mixed farm. Mixed meaning we raise both crop: wheat, barley, oats, and canola, and beef cattle–Angus/Hereford cross. We also have a large garden and I can and freeze whatever bounty the garden provides for us. We also practice sustainable living.
My main goal of having this blog is to educate people about where your food comes from, farm life and farming in general. There may also be an occasional rant about sewing, quilting, crocheting, and cooking 🙂
I am a cattle farmer from Australia and always interested in how this industry is run around the world. I found your blog through The Sagebreush Sea but how do I “follow” you & get your blog updates?
Looking forward to reading more,
Hi Mandy!
Thanks for checking out my blog. To subscribe to posts, at the bottom of the blog it says “subscribe to posts” just click on that and you can subscribe via RSS feed. I’m new to this whole blogging thing, so if I figure out a better way, I’ll let you know!
Gotch – thanks